Friday, July 13, 2012

The Amazing Aric Bostick!

Heyy, Babies!!
How you doin'?!
You know what?
You mah favorite!!!
My cute little Shenanigans Babies (:

Today's blog is all about one awesome guy! Not reading on would be the BIGGEST mistake you'll ever make. One that would leave your life completely and totally unchanged and boring (;

During my summer full of travels, I had the privilege of hearing Aric Bostick speak. Let me just say.. This man is AH-MAY-ZING!! His motivational presentation was.. well.. MOTIVATIONAL! He grabbed the crowd's attention with an insane entrance and kept it! His exercises were fun and up-beat and his words had an uncanny ability to pull the want to succeed out of everyone! He is by far the BEST I have ever heard. It was an honor just to get to listen to what he had to say!

I absolutely LOVED everything! He was so inspirational and uplifting! The things he said will be in my head FOREVA', because they are truly worth holding on to. His words apply to everything  you could possibly do in life. Why? Simple. It's all about having a positive outlook on everything! The dude started out wanting to teach kids to set goals! How he did it? Free cookies and punch.

I loved him so much that I took a picture with him and later asked him if he would marry me <3 A crazy and irrational request, I know. It was worth a shot.

Aric, if you ever get to read this, thank you so much for being YOU! In case someone hasn't told you today.. YOU'RE AWESOME (; You sir, are the bomb!

If you are in need of some serious motivation, he is THE Man!! Look him up on YouTube! Become a Hero On Duty! You will not regret it (:

Shenanigans fans, thank you for reading!

How could you NOT love this face?! He's so fired up to make a change and it is awesome!!! Love ya, man!!

Also check him out at:

Monday, May 28, 2012

Bloggers Block and Extreme ADD

Ohia!!! I am sooooo sorry for the lack of blogging.. Please don't hate me! With everything that's been going down, bloggers block and extreme ADD it's a miracle you're reading this, because I have so not had time to blog. I have so many new topics in mind!

Drum roll, please!!!!

-Edge of Shenanigans and horse racing say what?!
-10 books that will most likely make you love reading!
-My man, Aric Bostick!
-The "L" word

And more!!
I promise to make it up to y'all that I haven't blogged in FOREVER!! Just keep up the shenanigans and be on the look out for new blog posts!

And remember... Shenanigans happens!

Love you all bunches!
Try to stay out of jail!
Lataaaaa' (:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Birthday Wishes and Kisses From ME!!

Why, hello there!

You lookin' FIIINEEE tonight ;)

Is today you' birfday?

HaPpY bIrThDaY!!!

Whether today is your 'special day' or not, I just want you to know that you are super dee dooper special to me! I LOVE YOU.

This is true because of 10 things:

10. You're reading this.

9. You're beautiful

8. NOT Loving you is a silly thing to do

7. ...Hold up! I lost count!

6. Did I mention you're beautiful?

5. you're like a kitten. The cute kind! Not the mean kind..

4. You love ME

3. You rock!

2. Without you, the world would be YOU-LESS


So, what day is today? Today is 'LOVE YOU DAY'!! Just like everyday. Because YOU, Lovely, are one awesome blossom!

Have you ever had someone forget your birthday or simply not care enough to say Happy Birthday? Forget them! Forget those Birthdays! Bookmark this page on your niffty little computer device and look at it on every birthday!! I'll NEVER let you down on your special day(: pinky promise!!

The days of feeling low on your Birfday are OVAAAA!! I'm here to tell you everything that is perfect about you. However, since that is a very long list.. I will save it for another time!

Love you, shenanigans minions!!

You peeps are THE COOLEST BEANS.

Like the Facebook page!

Message me!





I even made you CUPCAKES!!!

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

Friday, April 6, 2012

Be who you YOU want to be and accept nothing less!

Ohia, Fellow Shenanigans Makers!!
It is time, once again, for me to express my opinion.

I'm not going to tell any girls to put on less make-up or tell a guy to pull up his pants. People can tell someone to start acting the way society feels is correct, but what are they REALLY accomplishing? Whether you say it once or a million times, there is no way to change what makes them happy.

A lot of people say that a girl that wears a lot of make-up is just "wanting attention" or has "low self confidence." However, this is not always the case. Make-up, just like clothes or anything that is important to you, is a way to express yourself. The same way that a hobby is a way to express yourself. Many girls judge other girls on the kind of make-up they wear. Blue eye shadow is seen as trashy at times, thick liner is seen as insecure and just one shade too light or dark of concealer is seen as trying too hard. The thing is, what does it really matter? seriously, if it's not on your face then it shouldn't be any of your concern. Parents have the right to tell their daughters when enough is enough, and some are more relaxed than others. BUT others do not have that right. Just the other day, I watched a teacher make a snide remark about some girl's make-up. A TEACHER! Ridiculousness. How can you cut someone down when you do not know where they are coming from? A teachers job is to educate and promote the future generations. NOT to critisize a student. There were a few things I had in mind to say to this teacher when I heard this comment, but I dont have time for a detention.

Next on my list, telling guys to pull up their pants- HOLY NAPOLEON DYNAMITE. When I hear people make a slam on sagging, it is all I can do not to say "Brotatoe Chip, you must not mind it too much if you put the time into lookin' at the dude's badonkadonk!" While I am a very country girl who prefers a mans trousers to fit him properly and be worn correctly, to each his own, right??? Seriously, if you don't like it, DON'T look at it!! There's this amazing new ability human beings have to uh.. LOOK AWAY? In every country, state, year, decade, century and generation there is bound to be something that not everyone likes! It is the way life goes. It could be a whole lot worse than just seeing a little undies action. They could be nudists. Just think it over and see how you feel about it afterwards.

With that said, BE YOURSELF. Be the person that you not only LIKE to see in the mirror, but LOVE. No matter what size you wear, what your faults are, or what has happened in the past, do me a favor. Look in the mirror and repeat the 3 little words, "I AM BEAUTIFUL!" Because to me, you are. All of you. Confidence is the key to ever door in life! You can't change the way people feel about you, but you can control where you go in life. Let haters be your motivators!!

Thank you so much for reading!!
Leave a comment!
LIKE my page on Facebook.
Because you LOOOOVE me (:
K bye!

Just be yourself, be who you are
Say what you mean, speak from the heart
Mean what you say, finish what you start♥

Friday, March 16, 2012

Salt and Ice Challenge

Oh hey, You!! YoU with the face!  No.. Not you. YOU. Yes YOU!
Hellooooo Darling
Miss me?
I know you did!
If you didn't, I'd have to kill you.
J to the K..
I'd NEVER hurt YOU!
.. Or would I???
Cue the Shark Music!!!

Ohia! My apologies for blog neglect!! Been EXTREMELY busy!!! Like a little honey bee :3 that's how sweet I am!
Although I'm starting to think that me being busy isn't such a bad thing after all.. Wednesday was my first REAL day of spring break, as I had been gone Monday and Tuesday for State Debate. DON'T JUDGE!!!
Anyhow, I was home alone just chillin' on Youtube when I got really bored. Like, it was intense. I knew then that I HAD to watch some Shane Dawson. He made a video on the Salt and Ice Challenge..

Here's What You Do:
Step 1- Find loose salt and an ice cube.
Step 2- Place the salt in a small mound on your hand or arm.
Step 3- Place the ice ON TOP of the salt.
Step 4- Hold for as long as you can or until the ice melts.

So being the dare devil I am, I wanted to try it!! And that is just what I did.
I'm a cowgirl, so this little bit of stinging sensation did not affect me. I thought I was doing it wrong and decided to start over, but this time with more salt.


That time it worked really well :P
And scarred. (Don't worry they fade)
Great. Prefect. Just dandy!

I called my best friend, Fatty McGee, and told her what had happened..
Her response was- "You are an IDIOT!! We're SO doing that when you come over and I'm gonna beat you!"
You see what I have to deal with?
So, chances are we'll make it a tradition.

What crazy things do you and your friends do??
I wanna know!
Comment below!

Thanks for reading, Shenanigans Babies!!
I love you all <3
Remember to "LIKE" my Facebook page :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day Special!!!

Ah, Valentines Day.. The day of love <3 
OR feeling sorry for yourself because you feel "alone".
Whichever you are, Valentines day means SOMETHING to you. Don't even try to lie and say it doesn't. I know what shenanigans goes on in your twisted little minds!! :) 

Valentines day wasn't always just the 14th day of February every year where gifts, candies, flowers and cards were given. You see, Multiple stories and legends have tried to solve the mystery of valentines day. My personal favorite is this one: 

Legend states that Valentine was actually a priest during the third century in Rome. what happened was Emperor Claudius II found that single men made better soldiers than married ones. The freak-o outlawed marriage!! Can you believe it?? He thought he was like important or something! Anyway, Valentine knew this was unjust and secretly continued to marry young couples. The emperor found out and sentenced Valentine to death. It is, from there, believed that Valentine was the first to send a "valentine" greeting. The story goes, while in prison and awaiting his death, Valentine met a beautiful young woman. Oh and guess what! He fell in love. When all was said and done, he was put to death. However, his life did not end without leaving something behind. He wrote a letter to his secret lover and signed it "From your Valentine." Leaving the world with an expression that would be forever used on one special holiday. 

SO Valentines Day has a pretty interesting history if you ask MEH. 

Why am I telling you all this? Well.. as much as I love this holiday, I do have a few complaints. It's great and all that love has it's own special day. Yet somehow this holiday has lost it's true meaning. Many people hate it because they don't have someone to share it with. This concept is WRONG. Just because you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend does NOT mean you have to sulk all day like a big baby. Valentines Day is about LOVE. Whether that is with someone you are in a relationship with or just a friend or family member. It's a day to show love to EVERYONE. 

On another note, Valentines Day should not be the only day you show people you care!! 
Guys, even though you try to make Valentines Day special, it will never be as special as random acts of love. Wanna really show your girl you care? Send her flowers at work, make a romantic dinner for two and most importantly KISS HER IN THE POURING RAIN.  The chicks dig that kind of stuff. Trust me, I should know! 

GIRLS, don't just think Valentines Day is all about you. Buy your guy something he will enjoy as well! It doesn't have to chocolate or a teddy or any of that gunk. Know your man well enough to get him something that is meaningful to him. 

AND single people, don't you dare think I forgot you! Ladies, according to many people these days, chivalry is dead. Who says a guy has to ask you out?? Gentlemen, you want someone to spend Valentines Day with? figure it out. For those of you who are perfectly content with being "alone", kudos to you! Join the club. We shall call this day...

Shenanigans happens, but don't let one little holiday get you down!! Have fun with it! And remember, I love you! 

Your Valentine :) <3

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Facebook Relationship Status Change Limit

How true this is! Many people like to have fun with their relationship status, I myself am guilty of "marrying" random friends. However, some people aren't joking when they change their relationship. Every relationship is merely a roller coaster in the theme park of their life. So what do we call these people? Well, there are actually many choice words and names for them, but for now we'll just go with one. Unstable. Dating is fine, but you're still not "in a relationship". When you have a new boyfriend or girlfriend every week, people begin to simply not care. Usually when I have a friend like this, I honestly don't even pay attention to their posts anymore. It's those  people who post and it's like "Oh look! Jim has ANOTHER new girlfriend. SOOOOO unexpected!!!" Note the heavy side of sarcasm in that. Those people don't know the meaning of the word "relationship". A relationship is when you have feelings for them and they feel the same, these feelings are known and you make it official. BAM. That is how you know it's really a relationship. When you don't even stay together long enough to figure out the other persons favorite color IT IS NOT A RELATIONSHIP. I can understand after a few months things just not working out, but A WEEK?! Please. Thats like elementary/junior high stuff. 

Its time to grow up here people!! Shenanigans happens, it's understandable. BUT a relationship is meant to be something that lasts. When you can add up the lengths of all your relationships and make what an average persons ONE relationship would be, it's time to get real. Come back down to planet Earth and start figuring out what really matters in life. 

Thanks for reading!! Leave me a comment and tell me how you feel! Also suggest blog topics!!! 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Text Message Break Ups

In this day in age texting is the way to get things done. Unfortunately this is even true for ending a relationship. Its a hard thing to do. You know, looking someone in the eye and saying "its over"? But texting fixes all that!! NOT. Breaking up with someone in any other way than in person is just plain wrong. Guys, if you don't have the fortitude to break up with her in person, then you don't deserve to date yet! Because you obviously are not mature enough.

And girls, the same rule applies. Guys are not always the villian in the comic book of your relationship.

A text message is impersonal. When someone breaks up with their significant other through text, it is a way of them escaping the hurt that comes with it. This is because they never see the other persons face when it happens. They don't get to see how they have effected the other persons mental state. And that my friends is not how a break up works.   

Shenanigans happens and it is understandable, but if you ever had any feelings for that person at all, don't you believe they deserve more than just a text?

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Billboards Across The Nation!!

Whether you pay attention to them or not, billboards are all across the nation. Some are funny, others X- rated, and many are just plain boring. No matter which category they fall under, a billboard is a billboard, one giant advertisement. AND they are made for exactly that! To tell the entire world (those that pay attention) about whatever it is that's plastered on it. While on my long trip to see the family for the holidays, I spent a majority of the time taking pictures of these giant yet easily ignored advertisements. So enjoy!!


Firworks. They go BOOM! 

My Favorite Place On Earth. 

Very useful! Tells you their gas prices!!

Over 1 Million Toys :) 

They wrap gifts!!! Also part of  Route 66 :)

Yummy :) 

Leading up to the Candy Factory! Counted like 15 of those things! Talk about tree killers. 

BEST. BILLBOARD. EVER. Look how happy the little guy is!! 

Because its colorful

Horse!!! :) <3

I will add more as I find them!!