Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Facebook Relationship Status Change Limit

How true this is! Many people like to have fun with their relationship status, I myself am guilty of "marrying" random friends. However, some people aren't joking when they change their relationship. Every relationship is merely a roller coaster in the theme park of their life. So what do we call these people? Well, there are actually many choice words and names for them, but for now we'll just go with one. Unstable. Dating is fine, but you're still not "in a relationship". When you have a new boyfriend or girlfriend every week, people begin to simply not care. Usually when I have a friend like this, I honestly don't even pay attention to their posts anymore. It's those  people who post and it's like "Oh look! Jim has ANOTHER new girlfriend. SOOOOO unexpected!!!" Note the heavy side of sarcasm in that. Those people don't know the meaning of the word "relationship". A relationship is when you have feelings for them and they feel the same, these feelings are known and you make it official. BAM. That is how you know it's really a relationship. When you don't even stay together long enough to figure out the other persons favorite color IT IS NOT A RELATIONSHIP. I can understand after a few months things just not working out, but A WEEK?! Please. Thats like elementary/junior high stuff. 

Its time to grow up here people!! Shenanigans happens, it's understandable. BUT a relationship is meant to be something that lasts. When you can add up the lengths of all your relationships and make what an average persons ONE relationship would be, it's time to get real. Come back down to planet Earth and start figuring out what really matters in life. 

Thanks for reading!! Leave me a comment and tell me how you feel! Also suggest blog topics!!! 

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