Friday, July 13, 2012

The Amazing Aric Bostick!

Heyy, Babies!!
How you doin'?!
You know what?
You mah favorite!!!
My cute little Shenanigans Babies (:

Today's blog is all about one awesome guy! Not reading on would be the BIGGEST mistake you'll ever make. One that would leave your life completely and totally unchanged and boring (;

During my summer full of travels, I had the privilege of hearing Aric Bostick speak. Let me just say.. This man is AH-MAY-ZING!! His motivational presentation was.. well.. MOTIVATIONAL! He grabbed the crowd's attention with an insane entrance and kept it! His exercises were fun and up-beat and his words had an uncanny ability to pull the want to succeed out of everyone! He is by far the BEST I have ever heard. It was an honor just to get to listen to what he had to say!

I absolutely LOVED everything! He was so inspirational and uplifting! The things he said will be in my head FOREVA', because they are truly worth holding on to. His words apply to everything  you could possibly do in life. Why? Simple. It's all about having a positive outlook on everything! The dude started out wanting to teach kids to set goals! How he did it? Free cookies and punch.

I loved him so much that I took a picture with him and later asked him if he would marry me <3 A crazy and irrational request, I know. It was worth a shot.

Aric, if you ever get to read this, thank you so much for being YOU! In case someone hasn't told you today.. YOU'RE AWESOME (; You sir, are the bomb!

If you are in need of some serious motivation, he is THE Man!! Look him up on YouTube! Become a Hero On Duty! You will not regret it (:

Shenanigans fans, thank you for reading!

How could you NOT love this face?! He's so fired up to make a change and it is awesome!!! Love ya, man!!

Also check him out at:

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