Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day Special!!!

Ah, Valentines Day.. The day of love <3 
OR feeling sorry for yourself because you feel "alone".
Whichever you are, Valentines day means SOMETHING to you. Don't even try to lie and say it doesn't. I know what shenanigans goes on in your twisted little minds!! :) 

Valentines day wasn't always just the 14th day of February every year where gifts, candies, flowers and cards were given. You see, Multiple stories and legends have tried to solve the mystery of valentines day. My personal favorite is this one: 

Legend states that Valentine was actually a priest during the third century in Rome. what happened was Emperor Claudius II found that single men made better soldiers than married ones. The freak-o outlawed marriage!! Can you believe it?? He thought he was like important or something! Anyway, Valentine knew this was unjust and secretly continued to marry young couples. The emperor found out and sentenced Valentine to death. It is, from there, believed that Valentine was the first to send a "valentine" greeting. The story goes, while in prison and awaiting his death, Valentine met a beautiful young woman. Oh and guess what! He fell in love. When all was said and done, he was put to death. However, his life did not end without leaving something behind. He wrote a letter to his secret lover and signed it "From your Valentine." Leaving the world with an expression that would be forever used on one special holiday. 

SO Valentines Day has a pretty interesting history if you ask MEH. 

Why am I telling you all this? Well.. as much as I love this holiday, I do have a few complaints. It's great and all that love has it's own special day. Yet somehow this holiday has lost it's true meaning. Many people hate it because they don't have someone to share it with. This concept is WRONG. Just because you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend does NOT mean you have to sulk all day like a big baby. Valentines Day is about LOVE. Whether that is with someone you are in a relationship with or just a friend or family member. It's a day to show love to EVERYONE. 

On another note, Valentines Day should not be the only day you show people you care!! 
Guys, even though you try to make Valentines Day special, it will never be as special as random acts of love. Wanna really show your girl you care? Send her flowers at work, make a romantic dinner for two and most importantly KISS HER IN THE POURING RAIN.  The chicks dig that kind of stuff. Trust me, I should know! 

GIRLS, don't just think Valentines Day is all about you. Buy your guy something he will enjoy as well! It doesn't have to chocolate or a teddy or any of that gunk. Know your man well enough to get him something that is meaningful to him. 

AND single people, don't you dare think I forgot you! Ladies, according to many people these days, chivalry is dead. Who says a guy has to ask you out?? Gentlemen, you want someone to spend Valentines Day with? figure it out. For those of you who are perfectly content with being "alone", kudos to you! Join the club. We shall call this day...

Shenanigans happens, but don't let one little holiday get you down!! Have fun with it! And remember, I love you! 

Your Valentine :) <3


  1. You've out done yourself, Blondie. I'm impressed. (:

  2. You should write more "The Edge of Shenanigans!" They are great!

  3. You should write more "The Edge of Shenanigans!" They are great!

  4. You should write more "The Edge of Shenanigans!" They are great!
