Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Birthday Wishes and Kisses From ME!!

Why, hello there!

You lookin' FIIINEEE tonight ;)

Is today you' birfday?

HaPpY bIrThDaY!!!

Whether today is your 'special day' or not, I just want you to know that you are super dee dooper special to me! I LOVE YOU.

This is true because of 10 things:

10. You're reading this.

9. You're beautiful

8. NOT Loving you is a silly thing to do

7. ...Hold up! I lost count!

6. Did I mention you're beautiful?

5. you're like a kitten. The cute kind! Not the mean kind..

4. You love ME

3. You rock!

2. Without you, the world would be YOU-LESS


So, what day is today? Today is 'LOVE YOU DAY'!! Just like everyday. Because YOU, Lovely, are one awesome blossom!

Have you ever had someone forget your birthday or simply not care enough to say Happy Birthday? Forget them! Forget those Birthdays! Bookmark this page on your niffty little computer device and look at it on every birthday!! I'll NEVER let you down on your special day(: pinky promise!!

The days of feeling low on your Birfday are OVAAAA!! I'm here to tell you everything that is perfect about you. However, since that is a very long list.. I will save it for another time!

Love you, shenanigans minions!!

You peeps are THE COOLEST BEANS.

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I even made you CUPCAKES!!!

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