Friday, March 16, 2012

Salt and Ice Challenge

Oh hey, You!! YoU with the face!  No.. Not you. YOU. Yes YOU!
Hellooooo Darling
Miss me?
I know you did!
If you didn't, I'd have to kill you.
J to the K..
I'd NEVER hurt YOU!
.. Or would I???
Cue the Shark Music!!!

Ohia! My apologies for blog neglect!! Been EXTREMELY busy!!! Like a little honey bee :3 that's how sweet I am!
Although I'm starting to think that me being busy isn't such a bad thing after all.. Wednesday was my first REAL day of spring break, as I had been gone Monday and Tuesday for State Debate. DON'T JUDGE!!!
Anyhow, I was home alone just chillin' on Youtube when I got really bored. Like, it was intense. I knew then that I HAD to watch some Shane Dawson. He made a video on the Salt and Ice Challenge..

Here's What You Do:
Step 1- Find loose salt and an ice cube.
Step 2- Place the salt in a small mound on your hand or arm.
Step 3- Place the ice ON TOP of the salt.
Step 4- Hold for as long as you can or until the ice melts.

So being the dare devil I am, I wanted to try it!! And that is just what I did.
I'm a cowgirl, so this little bit of stinging sensation did not affect me. I thought I was doing it wrong and decided to start over, but this time with more salt.


That time it worked really well :P
And scarred. (Don't worry they fade)
Great. Prefect. Just dandy!

I called my best friend, Fatty McGee, and told her what had happened..
Her response was- "You are an IDIOT!! We're SO doing that when you come over and I'm gonna beat you!"
You see what I have to deal with?
So, chances are we'll make it a tradition.

What crazy things do you and your friends do??
I wanna know!
Comment below!

Thanks for reading, Shenanigans Babies!!
I love you all <3
Remember to "LIKE" my Facebook page :)

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