Monday, May 28, 2012

Bloggers Block and Extreme ADD

Ohia!!! I am sooooo sorry for the lack of blogging.. Please don't hate me! With everything that's been going down, bloggers block and extreme ADD it's a miracle you're reading this, because I have so not had time to blog. I have so many new topics in mind!

Drum roll, please!!!!

-Edge of Shenanigans and horse racing say what?!
-10 books that will most likely make you love reading!
-My man, Aric Bostick!
-The "L" word

And more!!
I promise to make it up to y'all that I haven't blogged in FOREVER!! Just keep up the shenanigans and be on the look out for new blog posts!

And remember... Shenanigans happens!

Love you all bunches!
Try to stay out of jail!
Lataaaaa' (:

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