Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Birthday Wishes and Kisses From ME!!

Why, hello there!

You lookin' FIIINEEE tonight ;)

Is today you' birfday?

HaPpY bIrThDaY!!!

Whether today is your 'special day' or not, I just want you to know that you are super dee dooper special to me! I LOVE YOU.

This is true because of 10 things:

10. You're reading this.

9. You're beautiful

8. NOT Loving you is a silly thing to do

7. ...Hold up! I lost count!

6. Did I mention you're beautiful?

5. you're like a kitten. The cute kind! Not the mean kind..

4. You love ME

3. You rock!

2. Without you, the world would be YOU-LESS


So, what day is today? Today is 'LOVE YOU DAY'!! Just like everyday. Because YOU, Lovely, are one awesome blossom!

Have you ever had someone forget your birthday or simply not care enough to say Happy Birthday? Forget them! Forget those Birthdays! Bookmark this page on your niffty little computer device and look at it on every birthday!! I'll NEVER let you down on your special day(: pinky promise!!

The days of feeling low on your Birfday are OVAAAA!! I'm here to tell you everything that is perfect about you. However, since that is a very long list.. I will save it for another time!

Love you, shenanigans minions!!

You peeps are THE COOLEST BEANS.

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I even made you CUPCAKES!!!

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Friday, April 6, 2012

Be who you YOU want to be and accept nothing less!

Ohia, Fellow Shenanigans Makers!!
It is time, once again, for me to express my opinion.

I'm not going to tell any girls to put on less make-up or tell a guy to pull up his pants. People can tell someone to start acting the way society feels is correct, but what are they REALLY accomplishing? Whether you say it once or a million times, there is no way to change what makes them happy.

A lot of people say that a girl that wears a lot of make-up is just "wanting attention" or has "low self confidence." However, this is not always the case. Make-up, just like clothes or anything that is important to you, is a way to express yourself. The same way that a hobby is a way to express yourself. Many girls judge other girls on the kind of make-up they wear. Blue eye shadow is seen as trashy at times, thick liner is seen as insecure and just one shade too light or dark of concealer is seen as trying too hard. The thing is, what does it really matter? seriously, if it's not on your face then it shouldn't be any of your concern. Parents have the right to tell their daughters when enough is enough, and some are more relaxed than others. BUT others do not have that right. Just the other day, I watched a teacher make a snide remark about some girl's make-up. A TEACHER! Ridiculousness. How can you cut someone down when you do not know where they are coming from? A teachers job is to educate and promote the future generations. NOT to critisize a student. There were a few things I had in mind to say to this teacher when I heard this comment, but I dont have time for a detention.

Next on my list, telling guys to pull up their pants- HOLY NAPOLEON DYNAMITE. When I hear people make a slam on sagging, it is all I can do not to say "Brotatoe Chip, you must not mind it too much if you put the time into lookin' at the dude's badonkadonk!" While I am a very country girl who prefers a mans trousers to fit him properly and be worn correctly, to each his own, right??? Seriously, if you don't like it, DON'T look at it!! There's this amazing new ability human beings have to uh.. LOOK AWAY? In every country, state, year, decade, century and generation there is bound to be something that not everyone likes! It is the way life goes. It could be a whole lot worse than just seeing a little undies action. They could be nudists. Just think it over and see how you feel about it afterwards.

With that said, BE YOURSELF. Be the person that you not only LIKE to see in the mirror, but LOVE. No matter what size you wear, what your faults are, or what has happened in the past, do me a favor. Look in the mirror and repeat the 3 little words, "I AM BEAUTIFUL!" Because to me, you are. All of you. Confidence is the key to ever door in life! You can't change the way people feel about you, but you can control where you go in life. Let haters be your motivators!!

Thank you so much for reading!!
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K bye!

Just be yourself, be who you are
Say what you mean, speak from the heart
Mean what you say, finish what you start♥