Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Text Message Break Ups

In this day in age texting is the way to get things done. Unfortunately this is even true for ending a relationship. Its a hard thing to do. You know, looking someone in the eye and saying "its over"? But texting fixes all that!! NOT. Breaking up with someone in any other way than in person is just plain wrong. Guys, if you don't have the fortitude to break up with her in person, then you don't deserve to date yet! Because you obviously are not mature enough.

And girls, the same rule applies. Guys are not always the villian in the comic book of your relationship.

A text message is impersonal. When someone breaks up with their significant other through text, it is a way of them escaping the hurt that comes with it. This is because they never see the other persons face when it happens. They don't get to see how they have effected the other persons mental state. And that my friends is not how a break up works.   

Shenanigans happens and it is understandable, but if you ever had any feelings for that person at all, don't you believe they deserve more than just a text?

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Billboards Across The Nation!!

Whether you pay attention to them or not, billboards are all across the nation. Some are funny, others X- rated, and many are just plain boring. No matter which category they fall under, a billboard is a billboard, one giant advertisement. AND they are made for exactly that! To tell the entire world (those that pay attention) about whatever it is that's plastered on it. While on my long trip to see the family for the holidays, I spent a majority of the time taking pictures of these giant yet easily ignored advertisements. So enjoy!!


Firworks. They go BOOM! 

My Favorite Place On Earth. 

Very useful! Tells you their gas prices!!

Over 1 Million Toys :) 

They wrap gifts!!! Also part of  Route 66 :)

Yummy :) 

Leading up to the Candy Factory! Counted like 15 of those things! Talk about tree killers. 

BEST. BILLBOARD. EVER. Look how happy the little guy is!! 

Because its colorful

Horse!!! :) <3

I will add more as I find them!!