Wednesday, November 23, 2011


So last night I attended the new Twilight movie, Breaking Dawn. It was with out a doubt the best in the Twilight saga so far! From start to finish it held my attention and that is not easily done. Though I have never been a fan of the acting in these movies, I will admit that it significantly improved in Breaking Dawn. This little blogger gives Breaking Dawn 2 thumbs up and 5 stars!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Brand Spankin' New Blogger Right Here!!

Ohia! My name is Lacey Jo (In case you haven't already figured that out) and my life is anything but normal.. Between sports, school, horse shows and being your average teenager, things are bound to get a little haywire. I plan to post as often as my attention span will allow over random topics. Any request would be awesome!!! I love to write and hope to make at least a few peoples days just a little bit brighter through my posts :)